"Feelings and behavior are not taught by instruction.
They are developed by experience.“ Mary Gordon - Founder of Roots of Empathy
Roots of
Focus: emotional learning
An experimental learning model for emotional learning and empathy for children aged six to 13. More information at: https://de.rootsofempathy.org
school subject
Personality development
Focus on shaping your own life satisfaction, developing personal potential and discovering the joy of doing.
More at: https://www.createyourlife-sethasa.de/projekt-glueck
Empathy sets the standard
Relationship skills
Focus: Relationship makes learning possible and fruitful. Promotion of relationship skills, mindfulness with oneself and in dealing with others.
More at: https://www.empathie-macht-schule.de
Do you have questions regardings projects, own ideas or want to geht to know more about the work of personal development in school?
Please reach out to me then via phone or mail!